Christian Worship and Revival Movements
Shiloh is a location and term in the Bible, often associated with peace, rest, or a messianic figure. It was a significant place in ancient Israel where the Ark of the Covenant resided before the temple was built in Jerusalem.
- These events often aim to rekindle faith and bring communities closer to God.
- In spiritual terms, "fire" often symbolizes God's presence, purification, revival, or the Holy Spirit.
- It symbolizes a spiritual revival, a passionate pursuit of God's presence, a time of divine transformation and renewal, akin to a holy fire of inspiration or purification.
Shiloh Fire Hour is a sacred gathering inspired by the spirit of Shiloh, a place of peace and divine presence, ignited by the holy fire of God's love and power. Together, we will seek revival, healing, and transformation in His presence.
Join us though the Shiloh Fire Hour With Pastor Aldridge Marufu.

This is a unique opportunity to step into a deeper connection with God, as we unite in heartfelt worship, powerful intercession, and spirit-filled reflections. Whether you come seeking renewal, breakthrough, or simply a quiet moment with the Lord, this hour promises to be a life-changing encounter.
Come as you are, and let the Shiloh Fire ignite your heart! Feel free to bring a friend or loved one who would be blessed by this time together.
Recent Sermons
Here is a list of recent sermons
DEEPEN YOU WALK WITH GOD || Pastor Aldridge || 2024 || City Of Truth
THE SUPERNATURAL LIFE1// The Heart Factor 2// Another Life // Pastor Aldridge
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Laws Of The Spirit// Pastor Aldridge//The Reality of The Spirit Realm// Overcome forces